«Education of the Future, and the Future of Education»
International Conference
on Modern Education Development
Moscow, Russia, March 24-27, 2025
Application form
1. Application for participation in the Conference and the paper
To participate in the Conference, you should submit an Application form (see website) until January 19, 2025.

When submitting an Application with a report, please upload the following documents:
  • a paper drawn up and formatted in accordance with the rules;
  • abstract of the report (in .doc format with full name of the authors, place of study/work, position and title of the report; the abstract should contain from 150 to 250 words);
  • color photos of the authors of the paper in business style clothing (in .jpg format).

The language of the Application and the paper is English.
The participant is personally responsible for correctness of information provided when submitting the application. The organizers reserve the right to reject materials submitted in violation of the specified requirements.

The selection of reports is carried out by the Program Committee. The list of speakers, invited audience members, participants of the discussion platform is to be approved by February 25, 2025 and published on the website: http://www.step-into-the-future.ru/eng. Upon approval the list of participants, invitations to the Conference will be sent to email addresses shown in applications.
2. Expenses for participation in the Conference
There is no registration fee for participation in the conference. All costs of participation, including transportation, food and accommodation costs, personal cultural program, are borne by the participant or the sending organization. The hotel is booked independently.
3. Speech at the Conference
The working languages of the Conference are Russian and English. Duration of plenary reports is 15-20 minutes, session reports are 10 minutes. Participants from the Russian Federation, as well as participants from other countries who speak Russian, will use Russian language. After the presentation there will be time for answers to the questions. A presentation should be prepared for the speech. The presentation file should be sent for technical verification to the email address: tatyanasitf@mail.ru until February 25, 2025.
4. Paper submission guidelines
The paper should contain minimum three thousand words, but no more than eight thousand words, including the list of references.

The paper should contain the following basic elements:
  • Title of the paper (without acronyms and abbreviations),
  • Abstract (70-100 words),
  • Keywords (5-8 words or short phrases),
  • Body text of the paper,
  • List of references.

The text of the paper should be structured into an introduction, a basic part (one or more titled sections), and a conclusion.

The text is printed at 1.5 intervals in Times New Roman, font size – 12 pt. All headings are centered. At first, the title of the paper is printed: the title of the paper (without acronyms and abbreviations), on the next line – surnames, names of the authors (in full), the line below – name of the country, locality, place of work (in full), position (if the author works in two or more organizations, the author’s places of work should be separated by semicolon), academic degree, academic rank, honorary titles (if any).

After the title, there are an abstract and keywords, then the body text of the paper with all required materials (tables, diagrams, etc.). References to literary sources are shown in square brackets and numbered in Arabic numerals – [1, Р. 6], [2, Р. 120-125]. At the end of the body text of the paper, under “References” there are titles of literary sources to be listed in the order as mentioned in the body text. The paper should contain at least eight references to scientific literary sources – publications in scientific journals and collections, monographs, dissertations.

When preparing your speech and paper, it is recommended to familiarize with publications of the Conference co-chairs (a list of publications on the conference topic is available at: http://sitf.online/icmed_lit).

          Headings of the sections in the text of the paper ("Introduction", one or more sections in the body text, “Conclusion”) are centered. Numbers of the figures are shown below them (for example: Fig. 1), and numbers of the tables is shown above them (for example: Table 1). Figures and Tables can be titled or commented and written after their designations (for example: Fig. 1. Scientific diagrams of indicators of GCI 2017-2018 key subindices included in UDI/c for countries of the first four leading regions in the USA and Russia). All designations of the figures and tables are centered.

The list of literary sources referenced in the paper is at the end of the paper and titled as “List of references” (to be centered). After the heading, on the next line, titles of literary sources are shown in the order of their mentioning in the text. If the source is mentioned in the text more than once, it is designated by the same originally assigned number. The list of references includes only those sources that are referenced in the text of the paper. The list of references is formatted in accordance with examples shown in Appendix.
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